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What is Cognitive Stimulation for Seniors?

How are the Sections of  Cognitive Stimulation and what are its benefits?

Our Gerontologist Susamara dos Santos explains that the sections on cognitive stimulation or Gymnastics for the Brain aim to preserve or improve the performance of people's cognitive functions, whether memory, attention, reasoning, the ability to solve problems, among others.

People may think that this Brain Gym is just for those who have some cognitive decline but it isn't. People who do not show cognitive losses or mental difficulties may be promoting mental health and preventing cognitive decline that can be linked to age or even everyday stress  


And who has dementia? Does Gymnastics for the Brain work?  

Yes our gym for the brain works! when the person has a cognitive predation, which interferes with their daily lives, cognitive stimulation sessions can improve this performance and slow down the progression of the disease.  

Home Seniors is also offering Cognitive Stimulation Classes for the Elderly and Classes for the Elderly with Alzheimer's, for more information contact us  

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